
Get to know the PAN RADO educational program, as well as important information and learning platforms


Do you want to learn more about fair play, the Doping Control Process or the ADeL learning platform?


Know The Code, the List of Prohibitions, Regulations and Statistics of the PAN RADO


The Code, the Prohibitions List, the changes for 2021...all this and more is available un the Resources section
Click here


The support programs and services offered by the PAN-RADO


The PAN RADO offers Control, Research and Result Management services amog others
See all services


Therapeutic use authorizations


Do you want to know what are the Therapeutic Use Authorizations and how they are requested?
Click here

The global Anti-Doping Education and Learning platform. ADEL welcomes anyone who wants to learn about clean sport.

Latest news

Find out what is happening in the Region

Our Members

These are the countries that make up the PAN RADO

Against Doping Speak Loud!

Fair Play is everyone's responsability. If you are a witness or suspect a violation of the doping code, step up and report it. Let's keep the sport clean and without cheating.


What's new in the 2021 Code